Macvim latex
Macvim latex

  1. #Macvim latex pdf
  2. #Macvim latex update
  3. #Macvim latex mac

I hope this helps someone that was having trouble with syncing functionality of LaTeX files. I use LaTeX quite often to write mathematical papers, so please let me know any improvements or suggestions to improve those scripts. I'm open to suggestions if someone have a better idea or improvements to the scripts. To solve this, you can use \lv to open a remote instance of llpp first and then \ls. Also there is a known issue that I only have a workaround: if there is a non remote instance of llpp already opened, nothing happens when \ls is typed. I wish I could remove the dependencies of bc and xdotool, but I still haven't figure out a way to avoid them.

#Macvim latex pdf

Conversely, if you shift+click in a pdf typeset with synctex flag, vim will open in the line of the corresponding click. Once the scripts are in place, you should be able to type \ls in vim to open llpp and highlight with a rectangle the position correspondent to the tex file. We will also need vim, vim-latexsuite, synctex command from texlive-bin and the AUR package llpp-git. You will need the packages: bc and xdotool. I insert two lines to the original Tex_ForwardSearchLaTex() function: If( Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_ExecuteUNIXViewerInForeground') != 1 ) " The line below was add it to the original Tex_ForwardSearchLaTeX() to make sure we use the defined viewer in the viewing rule " syntax is: viewer TARGET_FILE LINE_NUMBER SOURCE_FILE = Tex_Stringformat('-unique %s\#src:%s%s', target_file, linenr, sourcefileFull) = Tex_Stringformat('-name xdvi -sourceposition "%s %s" %s', linenr, sourcefile, target_file)

macvim latex

= Tex_Stringformat('-unique file:%s\#src:%s%s', target_file, linenr, sourcefile) = Tex_Stringformat('-name xdvi -sourceposition "%s %s" -editor "gvim -servername %s -remote-silent +\%l \%f" %s', linenr, sourcefile, v:servername, target_file) If Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_UseEditorSettingInDVIViewer') = 1 & " Check for the special DVI viewers first

#Macvim latex mac

" We're either UNIX or Mac and using a UNIX-type viewer = '/Applications/ ' = '/Applications/ ' = '/Applications/ ' " We're on a Mac using a traditional Mac viewer = Tex_Stringformat('start %s -s %s%s %s', viewer, linenr, sourcefile, mainfnameRoot)Įlseif (has('macunix') & (viewer =~ '^ *\(Skim\|PDFView\|TeXniscope\)\( \|$\)')) " tips on ( tip #225) " inverse search tips taken from Dimitri Antoniou's tip and Benji Fisher's " cd to the location of the file to avoid problems with directory name Let sourcefileFull = fnameescape(expand('%:p')) Let sourcefile = fnameescape(expand('%')) Let mainfnameFull = fnameescape(Tex_GetMainFileName(':p:r')) Let mainfnameRoot = fnameescape(fnamemodify(Tex_GetMainFileName(), ':t:r')) Let viewer = Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_ViewRule_'.s:target) If Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_ViewRule_'.s:target) = ''

#Macvim latex update

UPDATE : I've switched from using TeXShop to Skim.Echo "calling Tex_ForwardSeachLaTeX from a non-tex file"

macvim latex

You can change it in the syntax of any of the other vim command shortcuts.ĮDIT : To make it compatible with 10.4, since apparently the "open" command does not return the opened document as it does in 10.5, change the osascript line to: let execString = 'osascript -e "tell app \"TeXShop\"" -e "set theDoc to open ((POSIX file \"'.thePath.'\") as alias)" -e "try" -e "tell theDoc to latexinteractive" -e "on error" -e "set theDoc to front document" -e "tell theDoc to latexinteractive" -e "end try" -e "end tell"' The means that hitting Command-R will save and compile it.

macvim latex macvim latex

'\") as alias)" -e "tell theDoc to latexinteractive" -e "end tell"' Let execString = 'osascript -e "tell app \"TeXShop\"" -e "set theDoc to open ((POSIX file \"'. Echo "calling srj_runLatex from a non-tex file"

Macvim latex